Sometimes it is so quiet in the studio that I swear I can hear the paper rustling in the files.
Sometimes it is so busy that it looks like the aftermath of a tornado. (and having lived through a tornado and seen the aftermath, I know whereof I speak.)
I always carry with me notes on my current projects. I always travel with art supplies. You never know when you will need them. And I want to be ready when a new idea strikes me.
Isn't that an interesting idea hits, or strikes. Like a bolt out of the blue.
Art can be a dangerous thing.
I fret sometimes when I don't have enough energy or time to work on a project which is calling out to me. But I suspect a worse danger would be to ignore the call of inspiration, because there may come a time when I can't hear the call if I keep on ignoring it.
Artists have always lived on the edge. The Garret of Starvation is real. It is Hunger which drives us to create, a lust more powerful than procreation.
Run with the scissors. Live on the edge. Be the Artist. It's gonna be okay.
Sometimes it is so busy that it looks like the aftermath of a tornado. (and having lived through a tornado and seen the aftermath, I know whereof I speak.)
I always carry with me notes on my current projects. I always travel with art supplies. You never know when you will need them. And I want to be ready when a new idea strikes me.
Isn't that an interesting idea hits, or strikes. Like a bolt out of the blue.
Art can be a dangerous thing.
I fret sometimes when I don't have enough energy or time to work on a project which is calling out to me. But I suspect a worse danger would be to ignore the call of inspiration, because there may come a time when I can't hear the call if I keep on ignoring it.
Artists have always lived on the edge. The Garret of Starvation is real. It is Hunger which drives us to create, a lust more powerful than procreation.
Run with the scissors. Live on the edge. Be the Artist. It's gonna be okay.
As I wrote this, unknown to me, a killer tornado struck Joplin, Missouri. Hundreds of people were killed, thousands injured, homeless, jobless, with no possessions left in the world. And I sit here fretting about my studio. I must make a piece of art and send it to the emergency shelter, so people can look up and find hope.